8 Exercises to Stretch and Strengthen Your Psoas Muscle
Your psoas muscle is one of your hip flexors that lifts your thigh. When this muscle is too tight or weak, it can result in muscle imbalances that cause pain or hinder your ability to walk. Learn more about the role of the psoas muscle and exercises to stretch and strengthen it.
10 Exercises to Help Relieve Knee Pain
Gentle stretching and other low impact exercises can strengthen the muscles that support your knee joint. Start by stretching your heel, calf, quadriceps, and hamstrings, and work up to half squats, calf raises, and other leg lift variations.
Updated EULAR recommendations for hip and knee osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis (OA) affects more than 500 million people worldwide. The disease is age-related, and usually starts to affect people in middle age. For elderly people, OA is the most common cause of disability, resulting in pain, limited mobility, and impacts on participation in both social and work contexts.
Online misinformation about noisy knees is influencing people to make poor health choices
From cracking, clicks and popping sounds, it is estimated knee crepitus affects up to 70% of people. "Many websites suggested treatment options to reduce knee crepitus, including exercise, medication, passive treatments (such as brace, ice and splints) and rest. There is no research evidence to support this information."
Injections for Knee Pain: Could They Help You?
Knee pain is one of the most common physical complaints for adults, affecting roughly one in four Americans over age 60. Although surgery may be required for the most severe cases, many people can get relief from a less invasive procedure: injections into the joint.