How To Relieve Hip Pain
Hip pain can be caused by overuse or damage to the hip joint, cartilage, or surrounding muscles, and can significantly impact your ability to perform everyday activities, including walking, going up and down stairs, and sitting and standing for prolonged periods of time.
Causes and Treatment for Outer, Side, and Inner Hip Pain
There are many possible causes of hip pain. They include serious ones, like a fracture or joint infection, and less serious causes, like bursitis.1 Your healthcare provider can diagnose the cause and help to plan your treatment.
Knee Braces for Running: Should You Use One?
Knee issues can be a common inconvenience for those who do much running. Many runners have decided to use the numerous braces available online and over the counter. You may wonder if these knee braces help the knee or prevent the development of knee issues.
Hip Replacement Surgery: Recovery
Recovery after hip replacement surgery usually takes around six to eight weeks.1 However, some people may have more extended recovery periods due to advanced age, activity level before surgery, or co-existing health conditions.
Free Hip Arthroplasty Templating Software - Does it Work?
Preoperative planning is important for successful total hip arthroplasty (THA) and has been historically performed using acetate templates. Digital software templating has been adopted for evaluating implant size, position, and alignment. Commercial software can be expensive, but free programs exist. Detroit Bone Setter (, Detroit, MI) is a freely available templating program, but hasn’t been validated. Our study reports this program’s accuracy for templating THA.